a twin bed at 25

i hate you, come back

when i explained my relationship with my mother using that phrasing, my friend han told me i'd found the title of my memoir.

my therapist says i grew up with a set of false dichotomies, or contradictions as we call them more often.

you are in the world not of the world, we raised you to be better than the secular world. but at the same time you could never deserve salvation. but you want that salvation, you should be willing to stand up and die for it.

don't make your feelings anyone else's problem. your feelings are not fact. don't whine, don't be ungrateful. but please regulate the emotions of everyone else in the household.

you are my baby, my youngest child, my sweet sensitive writer. but you are the most self-centered person i know and i am ashamed to have a child so vain and selfish.

to be gay is on the same moral level as adultery, stealing, lying. but make sure to come (alone) home for christmas.

i hate you, come back.

i think i love my mom too much to ever publish a memoir.